NS Custom Parts Phenolic Intake Manifold Spacers for Subaru, lift the intake manifold away from the hot engine and reduce the heat transfer. The intake manifolds and Cylinder Heads are made of aluminum, which quickly and easily transfer heat. The spacers prevent this transmission and accordingly, the incoming air flow has a lower temperature. This increases the power of your engine.
For every 5 degree reduction in air temperature, increases power by 1%.
The cooler and denser the intake air that the engine sucks in, increases the amount of air that can be mixed with fuel thus increasing efficiency.
Direct bolt-on.
When running the OEM gasket only, your intake manifold gets very hot to the touch, enough to burn your hand. When the OEM gasket is replaced with our Phenolic Spacer, your hand can be placed on the intake manifold without any issues.
We have installed both – with and without OEM Subaru Gaskets and have had no issues with either way. We do recommend using 2 sets of OEM gaskets however, one on both sides of the spacer.

Comparative tests:
Test #1 – OEM measurement from IM without spacers, 66 Degrees
Test #2 – with 3mm phenolic spacers the temp dropped to 56 Degrees
Test #3 – With 8mm phenolic spacers the temp dropped to an outstanding 42 Degrees!!!
That is an OVER 24 Degree drop with the largest phenolic spacers, which will improve the performance of your engine!
NS Custom Parts spacers are safe to use with any type of gasoline, methanol, etc.
Spacer thickness: 8 mm (ask for other thickness)
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